Taking the generator to and from my boat each time I want to use it isn't going to be possible due to it's size and weight. I'll have to leave it at my boat.
The options are to leave it on the towpath (in the hedge) which I'm not keen to do, or to put it on the boat.
A plan is devised which involves putting the generator onto the roof of the boat by taking the boat to Bradford-on-Avon lock, rising the boat so the roof is level with the lock sides, then rolling the generator across over a laid flat door.
My mum and I move the boat from Avoncliff to Bradford-on-Avon so the following morning my Dad and I can bring the generator and execute 'the manoeuvre'. All goes well, we arrive at the lock, ascend it, then as we're winding at the top to face back around on the 24hr moorings, disaster! The engine gives up, belches black then white smoke and is unstartable.
Fortunately we drift to the towpath side. It starts raining, typical.
The following morning my Dad and I arrive and try to start the engine, it won't go and we can't figure out what's wrong. Advice from Canal World Forum members is tried and fails. I decide an open-bay-engine-transplant is required.
I notify BW that I may be there for more then 24hrs.
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