I felt that I was rapidly outstaying my welcome so it was time to move. Kings Haulage of Bristol were able to move my boat using a lorry with it's own crane. I was a bit worried that it would be too heavy as I'd been told it weighed 5-6 tons.. When it came to it, the driver said it was more like 4. Phew!

Crane meets boat. Ready for lift.

Lift off. Nose is a bit heavier, we adjusted the straps for this when offloading.

Touch down onto the trailer.

This truck was awesome.

Strapped down, almost ready to go.
It was a bit annoying that I had told Kings that it had a V shaped bottom, sent them a picture and they told me that they would bring chocks. They turned up with nothing so we used the 4 vehicle ramps that it had been on previously.

Backing out was... fun. Fortunatly the road isn't that busy.

Arrived at Devizes Wharf car park. The council run this car park and you can book the use of the coach bays for £70 per day for craning in/out.

Straps adjusted to take the nose weight into account.
Just after I took this picture the chap took out a digital camera and said "I'll take a picture now incase anythign goes wroing". Erk!

Despite the council erected 'No mooring' signs, a boat was moored at the wharf. Grrr! It had a tall TV ariel. Double Grrr! Luckily the crane was able to lift my boat over it.

Just. You can see the vast crowd of people that gathered on the towpath to watch.

This is the last picture I have of the launch. After this it went in and I shot inside, checking under the floor like a paranoid man for leaks. there were none.
IAfter I helped the driver pack up I dropped into Devizes Marina for a couple of fenders, windlasses and an icecream for a job well done.
I slept on the boat that night and although cold, it was most enjoyable.
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