A deal was struck and the chap selling it allowed me to leave it in his garden for a while so I could work on it to get then engine in and BSS compliant.
Over the next many, many, many months I travelled the (2hrs each way) journey from Wells to Evesham to work on my boat.

The engine and fuel tank went in. The flexible fuel pipes were later re-routed so they could be inspected easier at BSS time. Cable trays made everything ziptie-able and tidy.

The hull got three coats of blacking. This was in the summer and was one of the more satisfying jobs. It made it look so much better.

A cover was made up to stop rainwater entering the engine bilge. The decking I made in haste was not very good at running the water off.
The stern drive is visible in this picture too. It has its own F/N/R gearbox.

I made up a pair of doors and fitted them. Note also the steps that were made and installed.

The whole of the inside was ripped out and stripped back to the shell. Fresh battoning was glued and screwed through new welded on angle brackets. The shower went :o)

Battoning along the side is being installed, the top sides and roof have been DIY sprayfoamed.
Three fire extinguishers for BSS compliance.

The doors open inwards, steps lead up to the deck.

I made the tiller the day before the boat was moved. Somehow I'd forgotton all about it!
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